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Ph: +1-831-705-5448

Lead Generation

Active Prospecting

  • Helps you to execute on-ground lead generation during a physical event, we assist the Clients in scheduling one-on-one meetings with CXO’s.
  • Customized database creation
  • Understanding of the Client’s product/services
  • Planned email, calls & digital marketing.

Appointment Settings

Leveraging combined inbound and outbound marketing tactics, our appointment setup services only deliver a sales-qualified appointment, to your sales team.

  • Email & personalized call tactics are used to engage the leads.
  • Follow up rigorously & set up meetings with highly qualified leads.

Content Lead Generation

We are using a variety of content that engage leads in meaningful interactions and drive them along the sales funnel, including white papers, video, eBooks, product demos, and research papers. By engaging with gated content, prospects, gain important insight about their main topics of interest, which helps advertisers build outreach campaigns which are specifically tailored to their requirements.

Market Analysis

Quantitative and Qualitative assessment of a market look into the size of the market both in volume and in value buying patterns, the competition, and the economic environment.

Database Development / Management

Database Building and Validation for Lead Generation are vital components in efforts to ensure that marketing campaigns deliver the right results. Poor quality or ‘dirty’ data means wasted time and money, inefficiency, and slower results. Managing and updating your data accurately, regularly, and legally enhances the possibility of generating profitable new business.


Successful lead generation program requires a clean, strategic list. Continually purchasing lists or using outdated lists results in a lot less leads—and a lot more wasted time and resources. The quality of your data is paramount to the success of your sales team. database management services help you build a smarter, better list-building practice—and more effective ways to grow it.


We provide services like standardizing disparate data, scrubbing current lists, suppressing, and segmenting your data. We also assist our clients with improving list performance through research, target recommendations and data acquisition. What’s more, in today’s age of ‘Account-Based Marketing, it’s imperative to have and maintain good quality information and contact details on your most cherished prospects.

Digital Services

This is the process of identifying, attracting, and transforming online users into prospects for a business. The method utilizes online channels, tactics, and strategies such as email campaigns, paid social media ads, or even offering downloadable content through a landing page. A digital lead allows you to contact the requesting client or consumer as they expect your reply. This increases your chances of conversion to sales in comparison with cold calling.

Social Analytics

Social analytics is monitoring, analyzing, measuring, and interpreting digital interactions and relationships of people, topics, ideas, and content. Interactions occur in the workplace and external-facing communities.



Social analytics include sentiment analysis, natural language processing, and social networking analysis (influencer identification, profiling, and scoring), advanced techniques such as text analysis, predictive modeling and recommendations, and automated identification and classification of subject/topic, people, or content. These can be based on factors such as audience engagement, behavior, conversions, branding, employee engagement, or even customer service. Some examples of social analytics metrics are click-through rates, conversion rates, impressions per mile, engagement rates, and leads.

Event Services

This is a business process that involves identifying and cultivating potential customers for its services through a specific event (conference, summit, online webinar, etc.) Events serve as a common ground for nurturing your leads, generating brand awareness, and creating a sense of community. It helps businesses strengthen their position and also minimizes any investment risk which facilitates strategic planning.


Backed by research, analytics, and deep insights, our strategy team engages customers where it matters most.

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